Advanced Placement is a great way to help you get a head start in college. A few things to know about AP exams:

  • You must have a score of 3 or higher to receive credit
  • Chemistry & Physics exams must have a score of 4 or higher to receive credit

AP Exam & Concordia equivalent credit hours

Art History ART 285 Art History I 3 crs.
Art Drawing ART 141 Drawing Fundamentals – 3 crs.
Biology BIO 141 General Biology I – 4 crs.
Calculus AB or Calculus AB Subscore MATH 201 Calculus I – 4 crs.
Calculus BC MATH 202 Calculus II – 4 crs.
Chemistry Score of 4: CHEM 141 General Chemistry – 4 crs.
Score of 5: CHEM 141 Gen Chem I – 4 crs. and
CHEM 142 Gen Chem II – 4 crs.
Chinese Language and Culture CHIN 101 Beginning Chinese – 3 crs.
Computer Science A CSC 150 Foundations of Computer Science – 3 crs.
Macroeconomics ECON 222 Macroeconomics – 3 crs.
Microeconomics ECON 231 Microeconomics – 3 crs.
English Language and Composition ENG 104 Intro to Writing – 3 crs.
English Literature and Composition ENG 103 Civ & Worldview Literature – 3 crs. or
ENG 104 Intro to Writing – 3 crs.
Environmental Science BIO 156 Environmental Science – 4 crs.
European History HIST 103 Civ – 3 crs.
French Language FRE 101 Beginning French I – 3 crs.
German Language GER 101 Beginning German – 4 crs.
Comparative Government & Politics POLS 300 Comparative Politics – 3 crs.
US Government & Politics POLS 201 American Government – 3 crs.
Human Geography Elective Credit – 3 crs.
Italian Language and Culture Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Japanese Language and Culture Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Latin: Virgil Core Language Credit – 3 crs.
Music Theory MUS 240 Music Theory I – 3 crs.
Physics 1 Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 151 General Physics I – 4 crs.
Physics 2 Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 152 General Physics II – 4 crs.
Physics B Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 151 Gen Physics I – 4 crs. and
PHYS 152 Gen Physics II – 4 crs.
Physics C - Mech Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 151 General Physics I – 4 crs.
Physics C - E&M Score of 4 or 5: PHYS 152 General Physics II – 4 crs.
Psychology PSY 101 General Psychology – 3 crs.
Spanish Language SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish – 4 crs.
Spanish Literature SPAN 321 Spanish Literature I – 3 crs.
Statistics MATH 205 Statistics I – 3 crs.
Studio Art ART 111 2-D Composition – 3 crs.
US History HIST 103 Civ & Worldviews History – 3 crs.
World History HIST 103 Civ & Worldviews History – 3 crs.