This interactive conversation will be devoted to why space matters and the importance of faith and hope in humanity's future in space.

The five pillars of the fifth industrial revolution, which is the space economy, will be outlined as well as the impact each will have on the future of business, technology, and international affairs. In terms of the "Space Economy," we are living in the world right before the internet, around 1993, trying to convince people of the power of the internet to commerce and communication. So today, much like the world that found itself on the edge of the internet age in 1993, we are at the birth of an era in Space Economics whose impact will exceed the internet's on humanity.

Buckle up. We are boldly going where no missionary has gone before.

Lunch will be provided for all attendees!


This FREE event is open to CUW Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, and Community Members.


Registration is required. Register HERE.


George S. Pullen - Economist, Teacher, Investor, and Writer.

Mr. Pullen is the Chief Economist and Co-Founder of Milky Way Economy (MWE), a fifth industrial revolution think tank and boutique consultancy based in Washington, DC. He is the author, co-author, or editor of eight books on technology, alternative finance, and the space industry. In addition to his role with MWE, Prof Pullen teaches for the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, Columbia University, and guest lectures at several other institutions in financial economics, blockchain, deep tech, fintech, commodities, derivatives, alternative markets, and the space economy.

He serves as the economic facilitator to the Space Force Futures Workshops and Space Force Doctrine Group, as well as an MWE CRADA with AFRL SpaceWerx for financial and economic market studies of the space industry. He is also a board member and advisor for several small and medium-sized businesses.

Before launching MWE, he honed his craft as a senior economist with the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission and previously served as a banker, portfolio manager, trader, and executive. George is an alumnus of the University of Maine and Johns Hopkins. He splits his time between DC, Maine, hotels, and airports. He was once and is always a US Marine. He has a beautiful wife and four wonderful kids and hopes at least one of his children grows up to become an astronaut.