Want to improve a rubric you use for a class assignment, paper, or presentation?

Join the CUW Assessment Committee will first host a short presentation, followed by breakout sessions where you can receive feedback & ideas on a rubric you bring with you to the session. This is an in-person event only.

Leaders: Assessment Committee - Kemery Sigmund, Elizabeth Eernisse, Jennifer Becker, Linda Hensel, Chris Scudella

CELT Contacts and also program leaders: Elizabeth Evans, Kate Robertson


This FREE event is open to CUW Faculty/Staff.


Registration is required. Register HERE.

After submitting your registration, the CELT Student Worker will send you an Outlook invitation for this event. Please accept this invitation as you will not receive a separate email confirmation.

The day before the event, we will send a reminder. If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Evans at elizabeth.evans@cuw.edu.