Welcome to Concordia University Wisconsin!
We are happy to have you as guests on our beautiful campus! Here is some information that may be helpful to you during your stay.
Laundry rooms are available for your use in each of our residence halls. Your temporary access card will get you into the laundry room in your hall, and use of the washers and dryers are free of charge. Remember to bring your own laundry supplies.
- Augsburg: tunnel under the hall
- Chemnitz: lower level by classrooms on north side
- Coburg: tunnel, take elevator to lowest level and go right and around the corner, on the right
- Heidelberg: in lower-level hallway south of the Landing, can take stairs from hall
- Katharine: use the Augsburg tunnel laundry room
- Regents: laundry room on each floor
- Wartburg: just outside of the hall door on the lower level
- Wittenberg: laundry room on each floor, connected to bathrooms
Connect to "Guest", it does not require a password.
Campus Safety
Call: 262-243-4344, or ext. 4344 from a campus phone
Office: Rincker 023
In an emergency, dial 911.
Merch, Apparel, and Gifts
Find merch, apparel and gift items at the CUW Bookstore! The store is located in Albrecht Hall and is open:
- Mon-Thurs: 9am-3pm
- Fri: 9am-2pm
Treat yourself to Concordia Red Elephant Chocolate, sold in the Bookstore.
Vending Machines on Campus
There are beverage (Pepsi) vending machines in all the residence halls. The snack vending machines are located in the Library and the Commuter Lounge in Heidelberg, around the corner from Campus Safety.
Interested in a CUW course or degree?
Select one of the areas below that best describes you.

You're a Freshman, transfer, or readmission interested in daytime programs.

You want to learn more about the graduate programs available at our Mequon campus or online.

Check out these lifelong learning opportunities for all stages of life.

High school students can earn college credit by enrolling in courses.